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Hospital Based Domestic Violence Clinician Training
Domestic Violence Hospital Based Legal Compliance Training
Domestic Violence Basics & Procedure for Screening - Lecture 1 (18:17)
Procedure for Assessment & Procedure for Treatment - Lecture 2 (19:48)
Procedure for Telehealth & Procedure for Referrals - Lecture 3 (15:33)
Core Clinical Best Practice Courses
Compassionate Communication with Victims of Violence (27:47) (27:46)
Best Practice in Medicine - Part 1 (21:45) AND Curated Research Attached (21:45)
Best Practice in Medicine - Part 2 (19:34) (19:33)
Domestic Violence and Special Populations (17:44) (17:44)
Domestic Violence Interventions in Clinical Settings (27:00) (27:00)
Screening for Strangulation in Clinical Settings (20:14) (20:13)
Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury due to Domestic Violence in Clinical Settings (21:41) (21:41)
Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury due to Domestic Violence in Clinical Settings (21:41)
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